I have colaborated with on-line magazine from WPPI (Wedding and Portraits Photographers International), and Sociedad Mexicana de Fotógrafos Profesionales (Mexican Association of Professional Photographers).
Wedding and Portrait Photographers International.This article solves most como doubts between taking photos on RAW and JPG format. It begins analysing the process that the sensor captures the image, later it explains the characteristics, common uses and benefits of each one of this two formats. At the and shows practical tips on when to use each format.
The photographer that wish to be a professional must go through the long process of understand the theory and then dominates photography in the practical arena. This article shows different ways to learn photography using the internet, most of them for free.
It also includes links to the best sites thats provides photographic knowledge.
The name of this article is because that all the photographers who participate in seminars and workshops and present an impecable works. They never talk about how they learn with their own mistakes.
This article explore the most common mistakes made by the autor in some point of his career. The idea is to learn with other mistakes minimizing apologies to our clients.
This article explores some of the first sources of information to learn about photography available for free on the web. It talks vastly about Podcasts, where the autor of it upload its material (on video or audio) and the system automatically downloads on the computer of the iTunes subscriber.
This article explains the trues and the falsos about the most important myths of the digital photography. Topics like if we sould or not enter the digital arena in which the photographers will need to renovate most of their equipment. The absence of chemicals balance with the need of a computer and software, doubts about if more megapixels necessarily are better or if the double of megapixels are better in an inkjet printer.
Also de best links of sites with information about learning photography are covered in this article.
In this article, the author present a system to process step by step his photographs in a way that doesn’t loose quiality in the process.
Step by step, the article takes the photographer trough a safe production process with includes several backups to assure that if the client needs to take back a step in the process and make some change, we can do it without afecting too much the process and maintaining the client happy.
This article shows the difference between RAW and JPG formats and how they can affect the performance of the photographer.
With a lot of detail, the author explains when is more convenient to use one o another format..
Luis Roberto De León has been dedicated to industrial and commercial photography for more than 30 years, staying at the forefront with digital technologies.
Phone: +52 (81) 8340 9090
Email: roberto@solucionesvisuales.com